Use a 3D-4D ultrasound machine during pregnancy that utilizes advanced features to display 3D images and movements of the fetus (fetal face and other body parts). The technology has a variety of other ultrasound applications, including multiplanar imaging of pelvic organs. This developing ultrasound technology is also used in some diagnostic medical procedures, such as biopsies and enhanced visualization of cardiac structures.
Use a 3D-4D ultrasound machine during pregnancy that utilizes advanced features to display 3D images and movements of the fetus. These include the face and other body parts of the fetus. This technique has a variety of other ultrasound applications, including multiplanar imaging of pelvic organs.
This developing ultrasound technology is also used in some diagnostic medical procedures. Such procedures include biopsies and enhanced visualization of cardiac structures.
Chison Ultrasound offers various 3D-4D ultrasound machines such as Qbit, SonoBook series. Our team of professional sales managers will help you find the right 3D-4D ultrasound machine for your diagnostic needs at an affordable price.
Some machines can serve both 3D and 4D. The Chison ultrasound machine is one such example. Used in cardiology, emergency medicine, obstetrics and vascular applications to reduce unwanted noise during operation.
A 3D ultrasound system is like a regular ultrasound machine. Like the base system, it utilizes sound waves to create real-time images with high image clarity and quality. Specifically, 3D ultrasound machines can create 3D images of babies in the womb, allowing patients to see their babies up close and in person before delivery. 3D ultrasound is a proven safe and effective ultrasound technology.
The Chison ultrasound machine is a great showcase for 3D imaging. It is also available in 2D and 4D according to the patient's needs for women's health. Check with color Doppler sensitivity.
4D ultrasound systems also use sonic and Doppler ultrasound techniques. This allows patients to see their baby move in the womb before birth. The 4D ultrasound machine produces real-time video effects that allow parents to see their children move, yawn and smile. Then these ultrasound images come to life.
Chison ultrasound machines provide better patient care. It focuses on 4D imaging, enabling an intuitive user interface with crisp resolution displays. Use this feature when you have patients who need a cardiology or vascular-based diagnosis.
3D ultrasound and 4D ultrasound machines can also help doctors detect birth defects such as cleft palate that don't show up on conventional, non-4D or 3D ultrasound machines.
Find your ideal 3D or 4D ultrasound system at Chison Ultrasound
Chisonl Ultrasound's line of 3D and 4D ultrasound equipment and machines features high image quality, image clarity, Doppler, portability and more. We can also make recommendations based on the specific services you need Contact us today for more information.
Confirm fetal viability and intrauterine position in early pregnancy
Estimate gestational age and measure heart rate
Assessing Fetal Lies, Placental Position in Third Trimester
Perform biometric measurements to confirm EDD
Determine the amniotic fluid level
Confirm correct placement of IUCD
Antral Follicle Count for Reproductive Medicine
Detection of early intrauterine pregnancy up to 10 weeks
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